The Benefits of Tiles

When choosing the flooring for your new Home it is hard to go past the benefits of tiles. Here we explore the pros and cons to choosing tiles for your flooring based on factors such as practicality and aesthetics.



Advantages of Tiles


Glazed ceramic tiles are extremely durable. The glazed outer coating makes them impervious to water and stains and due to their high water resistance, tiles are a popular choice in wet areas and high humidity environments. A quality installation should last up to 20 years with regular maintenance and cracking a tile will normally be a conscious decision along with a heavy tool! If a tile does happen to need replacing, it is a fairly straight forward task.

Design Choices

The choices are endless. The technology exists to have startling reproductions of wood and stone imprinted on the surface for something a little left of centre. Tiles have the benefit of being able to be mixed together. This gives you the ability to have borders, runners and motifs all laid together to suit individual tastes.


Ceramic tiles are easy to keep clean. As nothing penetrates the surface the dust and dirt is easily visible and a sweep followed by a mop will have them gleaming like new. On the rare occasion you do manage to stain a tile then be assured that even using harsh cleaning solutions will not damage the tile beneath. For those that suffer the misfortune of allergies, tiles are your friend. As the tiles repel grime of any kind then regular maintenance will avoid particles floating into the air to irritate allergy sufferers.

Disadvantages of tiles

Freezing Feet!

Ceramic tiles are a wonderful wake-up call if you happen to wander on to them barefoot on a cold winter’s morning. The simple fact is they do not hold heat very well and many modern home builders are adding underfloor heating, especially in bathrooms, at considerable expense. Slippers are a cheaper option if you happen to live in a cold weather area.

Hard Flooring

Tiles are unforgiving. They do not have the option of being installed with an underlay like other flooring styles and therefore are uncomfortable if you have to stand on them for any amount of time. The benefit of a smooth, easy maintenance surface is also one of their biggest drawbacks. They can be softened with rugs and throws but you then have to be aware of the slippery nature of the tile surface.

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